Includes 3 private sessions and complimentary grip socks (value $328).
Expires 4 weeks from date of first booking
Includes 3 private sessions, 3 group sessions and complimentary grip socks (value $454).
Expires 5 weeks from date of first booking
Expires 2 weeks from date of purchase
Expires 7 weeks from date of purchase
Expires 12 weeks from date of purchase
Group Sessions are only available with an active monthly membership and to clients who have completed their introductory private sessions.
Initial membership expires 1 calendar month from date of purchase.
A new monthly pack will be dropped into your account when you run out of credit or your pack is about to expire (whichever is earliest) - you can then pay for your new pack and continue to book ahead.
Minimum 2 month commitment
Terms & Conditions Apply (Request a copy or see in Studio)
All prices are inclusive of GST
Please be aware all packs have expiry dates and are non-refundable